
BTA 2025 Nomination Application

Nominate your company/brands for listing on the British Travel Awards 2025 consumer voting form by completing the application request below.

Before you register we strongly advise that you review the award categories - where you can check this year’s categories and qualifying entry criteria.

A registration fee of £500 plus VAT per brand/per category will be applicable to guarantee inclusion on the consumer voting form.

Register (Required field*)

Company/brand (name as it will appear on voting form)*
Contact Name*
This should be the person we contact for all matters relating to the British Travel Awards 2025.
Job Title
First line of address*
Telephone Number*
Email address*
Confirm email address
Authorised by/Purchase Order Ref:

If your application is for listing in the Travel Company Awards sector enter the number of passengers/guests per year to the nearest 1,000 (this should be the overall figure for the company/brand - NOT related to the individual award category(s) entered and check the appropriate button.
Enter overall number of passengers carried per year:
Large (more than 80,000 pax per year)
Medium (10,000 to 80,000 pax per year)
Small (fewer than 10,000 pax per year)

If your application is for listing in Best Travel Company for Villa Holiday and/or Best Company for UK Holiday Home Rentals enter number of rental units referenced on your website check the appropriate button.
Enter number of rental units referenced on website:
Large (more than 2,500 rental units)
Medium (400 to 2,500 rental units)
Small (fewer than 400 rental units)

If your application is for listing in Best UK Airport for Leisure Travel enter the number of passengers per year to the nearest 1,000 and check the appropriate button.
Enter overall number of passengers carried per year:
Large (more than 10,000,000 pax per year)
Medium (2,500,000 to 10,000,000 pax per year)
Small (fewer than 2,500,000 pax per year)

If your application is for listing in Best Company for UK Family Holidays, UK Short Breaks and/or UK Coach/Touring Holidays enter the number of customers per year to the nearest 1,000 and check the appropriate button.

Enter number of guests per year:
Large (more than 80,000 guests per year)
Medium (10,000 to 80,000 guests per year)
Small (fewer than 10,000 guests per year)

If your application is for listing in Best Company for UK Parks & Lodges Holidays enter the number of parks and check the appropriate button.

Enter number of parks:
Large (more than 50 parks)
Medium (10 to 50 parks)
Small (fewer than 10 parks)

If you do not enter the required figure in the appropriate box(s) your company or brand will be considered as large or determined by the British Travel Awards.

To register your details and proceed to the category selection page please click the submit button.

By clicking the submit button you confirm that you have read and accept the award category listing terms and conditions and understand that a registration fee of £500 plus VAT per brand/per category will be payable upon receipt of invoice.